Ultrasound Treatment

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April 24, 2017
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Ultrasound Treatment

Ultrasound is the application of sound waves above human hearing to tissue to increase healing in an area. Ultrasound that is applied to an injured area provides a “micromassage”, or a vibration at the cellular level. This treatment decreases pain, increases flexibility, and speeds the healing process. Ultrasound may also cause mild heating to occur in the area, depending on how it is applied.

Like exercise, each treatment of ultrasound builds on the previous session, so more than one treatment is necessary to gain the effects; usually 5 to 8 treatments are used at the minimum. Your treatment will last from 1 to 8 minutes, and you will need to be treated either daily or every other day. On occasion more extensive ultrasound treatments may be recommended, up to 4 to 6 weeks.

What you will feel: When properly applied, ultrasound will cause almost no sensation at all, although a mild warmth may be felt on the skin and sometimes deeper in the tissue. If at any time during the treatment you feel a burning or aching sensation, let you clinician know immediately; the intensity of the treatment may be more than it should.

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